The Battle Between Wisdom & Information

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? – T.S. Eliot

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? – T.S. Eliot

Think of all the information that gets thrown at us throughout our day. Be it at work, at home on Facebook, (at work on Facebook), or watching TV. The question is not what we consuming and viewing, but how we exercise wisdom based on what we’re learning. For every mindless cat video, can be a powerful message. An insight to be gained, or new perspective to view an issue from.

Sitting on information; not exercising the knowledge we gain from that information is doing a disservice to ourselves and those we impact. I chose to practice what I learn, to exercise wisdom, and to rise above the fog that is created through information overload.

See the cat video as simple information, and see the inspiration you gain as knowledge, to then practice wisdom.

Being In The Moment

The Meeting of two eternities, the past and the future… is precisely the present moment. – Henry David Thoreau

A few years ago I had a very embarrassing day, that even now I will reflect on what I learned. It all had to do with my fly on my pants. At the time, I was a full-time student at Weber State University and had a full schedule. I was at school all day, and since it was the last week of school I had a couple presentations that day as well. The entire day I was feeling confident in myself, my presentations went great, met a few new people, and enjoyed the day. However, at end of the day as I put my key into the my car door and looked down. To my horror I realized my fly not only had been down, but a piece of my dress shirt was sticking out of my fly. I could not believe I had gone all day completely unconscious to my own circumstance.

Below are two things I’ve since began to do that help me stay grounded and conscious of my surroundings and ultimately have lead me to be a more successful individual all around.

Have Your Moment

From Tony Robbins, to Michael Jordan some of the most successful people, in their respectful fields, each have a moment. A part of their day where they have an activity that grounds them. For Miachael it consisted of exercise, and for Tony it consists of meditation and prayer.

Regardless of the activity, have a moment. Have a moment where you be with yourself, however that looks. If you want to know what Tony Robbins does personally every morning, the steps are:

  1. Two minutes of a breathing exercise. Focus on breathing.
  2. Three gratitudes. Be in the moment and feel the feelings that come from three different areas in your life that you are grateful for. (For me, one I always use is my wedding day. I’l relive the feelings and emotions of getting married.)
  3. Three future gratitudes. Now visualize three things that you wish to bring about, and feel the gratitude that comes from already having those things. Again, it doesn’t have to be a physical object, it could be a relationship, etc.

Is it inconvenient sometimes? Absolutely. Do I forget, and then sometimes do this in my car on my way to work? Of course. The most important thing is to do it, and do it every day. Had I done this three years ago, I know I would of been conscious enough to check my fly.

Speak Up To Those Who Are Struggling

We’ve all noticed someone with their fly down, or something in between their teeth. But more importantly, I’m sure we’ve all noticed someone who seems to be struggling on a more deeper level. Maybe with addiction, depression, etc. Speak up! It could be you who was meant to step in, and change the path they are headed down.

I will forever be grateful to those who have called me out during times that I have personally been struggling. They cared enough to speak up, and let me know their feelings.

The Meeting of two eternities, the past and the future… is precisely the present moment. – Henry David Thoreau

Conquering Everest

I will come again and conquer you because as a mountain you can’t grow, but as a human, I can.



In 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay set out to conquer what was then the impossible climb to the top of Mount Everest.

Before 1953, there had been many expeditions amounting to over a dozen deaths including men from Hillary’s previous climb. After Hillary’s most recent failed attempt he was heard speaking to Mount Everest saying,

I will come again and conquer you because as a mountain you can’t grow, but as a human, I can.

Time passed, and they were ready to make another climb. Before Hillary and Norgay ascended the Mount Everest again they were asked that after the financial costs, all the lives lost, and failed attempts, why keep trying? To this Hillary replied,

It is not the mountain we conquer, it is ourselves.

I’m learning that my biggest challenge I face in life is looking myself in the mirror and facing my own demons/mountains. Conquering ourselves, as Hillary puts it, and realizing that we as humans grow to surpass our mountains is a personal journey, but we don’t have to walk it alone.

As feel-good as these quotes from Sir Edumnd Hillary are, for me they have lead to action and execution. I’m sure if Hillary and Norgay were alive today they would not just read memes and stories about climbing, but actually strap on their gear are go. So thank you for reading, and I hope this story hits home for you as it has for me. However, more importantly I hope you now take action. Know your mountain, and continue to make your climb.

How I Found Happiness

Happiness is the joy you feel while striving toward your potential.

What does happiness mean to you? Let me share what I’ve come to learn what happiness means to me. Thanks to Shawn Achor, my definition of happiness comes from how the ancient Greeks viewed happiness.

Happiness is the joy you feel while striving toward your potential.

Taking that definition of happiness to heart has changed everything for me. Through being self aware and realizing some of my main strengths are positivity, seeing and building other’s strengths, and being strategic, I’ve tripled down on those strengths and that’s made all the difference.  For me, knowing my strengths and tripling down on my strengths is how I move toward my potential. Knowing I’m doing that brings joy and happiness. How can it not?

Knowing that I am ultimately on the path towards achieving my potential, and realizing that I’m in it for the long haul and need to then execute patience brings joy to my heart. I feel happy!

If you’re unclear on what your potential is, I’d challenge you to find out your strengths by doing a StrengthsFinder test. If you’re already aware of what your strengths are, then realize that by focusing on your strengths can help you move toward your potential.

Feel the joy by striving toward your potential and enjoy the happiness that comes with that process.

How To Be Heard

It takes time. It takes effort. But, it is everlasting.

If you have ever felt like your ideas gain zero traction with your superiors, I’ve learned from experience that by implementing the following two points you will see a difference in how you and your superiors view your ideas.

Earn Their Ear

Take two employees. Both suddenly get the same idea. The first employee doesn’t have the best metrics at work. He’s late more often than he should, and doesn’t usually speak up. The second employee makes and effort to crush any project he’s given and his metrics speak for themselves. Which one do you think will be heard? Earn the trust.

I’ve learned I need to earn the ear of my superior. In my position, I simply don’t make a lot of the bigger decisions, although I still may feel I can make an impact. I’ll work hard and smart. Crush the assignments given to me and my team. Consistently put out great content and have great metrics. Throughout this whole process i’m earning the ear of my superior. Now, when an idea comes, they stop and listen.

It takes time. It takes effort. But, it is everlasting.

A Piece, Rather Than The Pie

So often when I get an idea I feel like it’s the end-all and be-all of a specific issue. Or, if it’s not implemented and acted upon then it is a failure. Huge mistake.

One of the biggest things I’ve learned so far this year is my ‘brilliant’ idea I think I have that I’ll share with my boss very well might not happen or gain any traction. However, it’s purpose is still invaluable. The fact that I shared my idea is worth it. My idea could pop up in my bosses head later down the road when another issue presents itself. A part of it could be remembered by a coworker when they have their own issue arise. Just because my idea doesn’t become the pie, doesn’t mean it serves a purpose as a piece, however that piece is used.

Why So Salty?

Compared to a fresh water lake, the Great Salt Lake is dead.

In its defense, there is countless wildlife that visits the Lake and gathers around Antelope Island, but looking at the life that lives in the lake itself there is a lacking of diversity, growth, and life that a fresh water lake would have. The answer to why the Great Salt Lake is this way is due to its lack of an outlet.

Fresh water lakes have water that flows in and out; there is constant motion. Although there is salt in fresh water lakes it won’t ever get close to reaching the amounts that are in the Great Salt Lake because of the constant outflow.

If we desire a healthier lifestyle whether that be physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. this is an invitation to look at the healthy outlets we currently have set up in our lives. Most of the buildup, tension, weight, can come from a lack up outflow.

When in doubt, let it go.